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about the "Tower" location on the far right of the World Map

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:14 am
by greghacker
Hi, first of all let me say kudos and a big thank you for the game!
I have enjoyed it immensely since I never had the opportunity to experience 3.5 D&D.
Everything is perfect but for one thing (so far):

The Tower. I am currently level 15 and while exploring I entered the tower. I have yet to visit the mountain pass
and do the whole Giants quest. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary when I entered the tower so unfortunately I didnt
save. As soon as I enter I get teleported with no means to leave. I explore a bitup until level 3 where


I have to face the lich. Seeing as in the other room there is a lv 20 Balor and the 3rd one is locked, I try to face
the lich and defeat him through one single arrow of Undead slaying and many reloads. Then I get the key,
the lich resurrects and I open the room to find THREE level 22 Vrocks. the previous fight with the air
elementals and the lich has taken its toll and I have almost no health and high level spell slots. It didn't help that
the rest point was blocked off after my rest. It's obvious that the tower was not meant for me yet.

But seeing as you put a force barrier in the giant fortress I thought that since I was allowed to enter it was within
victory limits. But it's not. And it doesnt help that my two saves are both in the tower :/

So am I completely screwed? Do I have no choice but to start a new game? I have no gold to heal myself with
or craft scrolls of Fingers of Death and hope for a lucky result. I cannot defeat the upcoming two fights.
Is there anyway out at all???

Re: about the "Tower" location on the far right of the World Map

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:22 am
by Tiavals
Your situation does seem most unfortunate since you have no gold left. If you had gold and crafting feats, it would be quite manageable. Just make wands of curing and swords of slaying.

What is your party composition and resources(any wands or scrolls? what kind of weapons?) like? We could help you more if we knew such things.

I was in a very similar situation when I entered the tower, with the exception that I had plenty of gold. I crafted a Vorpal Blade and tried the Balor fight until I killed it in a single hit and such. :D

Anyway, even a small bit of gold will help, depending on the spells your wizard has. If you have Control Undead or Dominate Monster(9th level spell, so it's unlikely?), the fight will be a lot easier.

Re: about the "Tower" location on the far right of the World Map

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:39 am
by greghacker
The typical roster I think: two knights, one specializes with bastard swords and the other warhammers, a cleric and a wizard.
Unfortunately for the casters I only have up to level 2 Spells left and of them about 3 uses.

And I have 900 gold :/ I used the gold I had to craft one undead slaying arrow, give a +5 enhancement to a sword just in case
it would make a difference and 6(!) scrolls of Finger of death to deal with those damn Air elementals!
I regret crafting the +5 enhancement but that was before I thought of the Arrow and many saves ago :/
I killed everything that was moving just to get my wizard to level 15 so she would get another casting of Finger of Death. Of course, that's gone now.
If only there was someone to sell my loot to in the tower...
or the resting spot available again, aaargh!

Re: about the "Tower" location on the far right of the World Map

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:43 am
by Tiavals
Well, I can't really think of much, since your options are quite limited. You might want to try to use some cheat just this one time to get yourself to full-hp or somesuch. Can't see any other option. Hopefully someone else can though, I am by no means an expert.

Re: about the "Tower" location on the far right of the World Map

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:48 am
by greghacker
What cheat? are there any available at all?
I searched a bit for a gold cheat but to no avail.

Re: about the "Tower" location on the far right of the World Map

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:52 am
by Tiavals
I'm sure BlueSalamander can give you a Private Message about some cheat. But wait for a while if someone who is more of an expert can give advice on to how win the fights.

Re: about the "Tower" location on the far right of the World Map

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:27 pm
by BlueSalamander
Hello greghacker, thank you for the praise. Ideally at this point you should go back to a saved game from before entering the tower. But since you don't have any, you can zip your saved game folder (folder '1' if it's saved game number 1) and post it here or send it to I'll send it back with your party outside the tower. Or with a lot of gold.

Re: about the "Tower" location on the far right of the World Map

PostPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:14 pm
by greghacker
Here it is!

Let me see, I would preferto be taken out of the tower, to tell you the truth, and try again later :P
But could this perhaps cause problems with the location? Since I'm not supposed to leave yet and all that?
If that's the case I could use the gold to craft some things! Thank you very, very much!

EDIT: I can't upload it here, as it is 420 KB and it allows me up to 256. :/
So, PM or e-mail?

EDIT 2: Sent e-mail!