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Suggestions how to kill Green dragon "Akrinax"

PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:52 pm
by tindrli
Hi to all. i wonder how do you people manage to kill that green dragon Akrinax in the orc Stockade??
My party has no archer well at least no archer with bow proficiencies and i think i died like 30 times trying to hit the damn thing with Dragon slaying arrows without luck so i'm running out of ideas

thanx in advance

Re: Sugestions how to kill Green dragon "Akrinax"

PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 2:08 am
by Waterd103
I've fought that dragon many times, but I was always lucky to hit with the arrows. I hear you can use in your wizard TRUE STRIKE and then arrow him. Any fighter should be good enough to hit him, but the wizard idea seems nice.

Re: Suggestions how to kill Green dragon "Akrinax"

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:19 pm
by Opipo
I dont remember that fight anymore. Just do what the classes are good for. Fighters flank&fight. Clerics cast summon(!) and prayer. Mages cast haste.

Summons are great, a very strong meatbag tank at low cost. Also i think you should have found an acid I protection ring at that time already. Helps the fighter to negate his acid dragon breath.

Re: Suggestions how to kill Green dragon "Akrinax"

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:01 am
by VentilatorOfDoom
The key is to use (Greater) Protection from Acid against his acid breath. Other than that he's not that tough.

Re: Suggestions how to kill Green dragon "Akrinax"

PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:07 pm
by Stacktrace
Been having a very difficult time with this guy as well. I have 2Kn, 1Cl, 1M all level 6. I did not find any dragon slaying arrows before getting locked into this area of the stockades. Hasted up, Greater Acid protection applied, and he is destroying me with his full round of 6 attacks. My fighters have only about a 50% chance to hit him at best and cannot put out enough damage before being targetted and dropped. Been having a bit better luck trying to prevent him from gaining full attacks by running through the complex, but still a ways off from victory. Considering starting a new party up (I failed to keep a save prior to being locked into this area).

Btw, it is a mark of a great game that I have the patience to keep trying. Loving this game and its challenge.

Re: Suggestions how to kill Green dragon "Akrinax"

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:09 am
by BlueSalamander
Hi Stacktrace, the game makes a save automatically before entering the closed area. It should still be there if you haven't overwritten it.

Re: Suggestions how to kill Green dragon "Akrinax"

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:30 am
by Tiavals
The dragon slaying arrows are just right of the dragon's room. The one with the caterpillar-thingie and a load of rubbish. The arrows are hidden inside the rubbish, if you get close enough the party will search and find them. I think? I may remember totally wrong though.

Re: Suggestions how to kill Green dragon "Akrinax"

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:14 pm
by Thaliak
If I remember correctly, the dragon slaying arrows are in the room with a pool of water, not the room with the rubbish. However, I suspect your characters won't be able to find the arrows if you killed the slaver that asks you to spare his life before he tells you where they are. I've seen at least one secret door I can't trigger until I talk to the person that points it out.

Re: Suggestions how to kill Green dragon "Akrinax"

PostPosted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 6:43 am
by Stacktrace
Good to know, I killed the slaver before he divulged the location of the arrows the first time. Just got my second group to this part, and was able to defeat the dragon with the True Shot + Slaying arrows, many thanks for the help.

Awesome game!

Re: Suggestions how to kill Green dragon "Akrinax"

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 8:50 pm
by nocker
Just some tips useful against any powerful enemy:

1) Try to deny it the first full attack: Advance with your knight(s) and have them ready vs. approach. If the knights aren't packed, I think the Dragon AI won't consider using a breath and will move to hit or cast a spell

2) Silence cast over the dragon's initial area is a great way to deny it the chance to buff.

3) The ideal situation is that the dragon moves to engage one knight and ends being flanked by two knights (or one knight and a summoned fire elemental), inside a silence area. the casters then stand outside the area doing their thing.

4) Buffing the fighter(s) can deal more damage to the dragon than any single damage dealing spell. Haste, Bull's Strength and Heroism are great spells to use. The cleric(s) should keep an elemental out all the time and try to heal the fighters.

5) Ray of Enfeeblement has no save, you just have to hit the dragon's pathetic touch AC (AND spell resistance. Learn to love the feat Spell Penetration). Dragons have so many HDs that even with it weakened you probably won't avoid most if not all of its attacks landing. What you want is to shave down the damage and hopefully buy yet another round to your fighter(s).

6) You mentioned the party being lvl 6. If you're willing to return to an earlier save and grind a bit until lvl 7, your wizard(s) will gain access to THE dragonslaying spell: [Ray of] Enervation. Have the wizard(s) learn it, prepare scrolls of it if needed, and enervate the awesome out of Akrinax.