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PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 5:45 pm
by SilentLion
Hi guys, this game may be interesting to fans of KoTC, they are similar in a lot of ways. It's currently on Kickstarter with 17 days left of their campaign. So far they collected half of their goal (which is not much at all, $15k), and the game is quite promising, check it out:

Re: Antharion

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:04 pm
by Waterd103
Personally, while it looks amazing, it seems to have more in common with avernum than KOTC. I think one of the best features of KOTC is that is very streamlined. I find open world games to be pretty boring in general. But I'm sure many other fans of KOTC may enjoy open world games.

Re: Antharion

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:20 am
by SilentLion
They failed their first KickStarter attempt 92% of the way, but regrouped and relaunched shortly after and just got funded, heading for some interesting stretch goals. Character development and combat options do not seem to be as deep as what KOTC2 promises (at least not in it's current state), but this may still be a fun game.

Re: Antharion

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:22 pm
by Tiavals
Antharion seems really too simple and unambitious. It's like a poorman's version of the spiderweb games. Everything it has is pretty much what the spiderweb games have but is worse. And the spiderweb games are mechanically far inferior to KOTC, so....

I'm more amazed at people who donate to it. Perhaps they see something there that I do not, or perhaps they don't know other games that are superior(given the plan they have for the game) exist. I don't get what the draw to it is.

Re: Antharion

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:40 am
by getter77
It has promise I think, though it is hard to say between that and...say...Iceblink, which will eventually live up to it if both don't.

Many projects in Kickstarter can be seen through the prism of being either a successor to something, a revival of something, or admittedly just a shadow of something---none of these being bad things mind, just a matter of what they can find an audience for as it doesn't have to be a case of reinventing the wheel versus sharpening a blade.

Re: Antharion

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 8:16 pm
by ajrs84
Hey guys, I'm the creator of Antharion and I'd be happy to address any comments or concerns. I assure you that Antharion is definitely not simple or unambitious (we're shooting for 100+ hours of open-ended non-linear game play). And its world is incredibly enormous. KoTC is an fantastic game, but quite fundamentally different from Antharion.The same goes for the spiderweb games (the only similarity here is the generally similar isometric perspective and party size). It's also important to keep in mind that Antharion isn't even at the alpha stage yet. Character development options, interface, combat, and nearly all of the other major game systems will undergo radical improvements/makeovers before final release. In the coming weeks of our campaign we'll be releasing more and more video updates detailing various aspects of game play that have yet to be revealed. If you enjoyed playing KoTC then you're probably going to really enjoy Antharion.
