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KotC2 Animated Sprites for Player Units

PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 2:38 am
by Endarire

I tried KotC2 Full 1.00 today and was surprised and disappointed about the small selection of animated sprites. There were no Dwarves, Giants, Orcs, or other units that were in KotC1. (Some KotC1 units were available.)

Re: KotC2 Animated Sprites for Player Units

PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 10:59 am
by bluehinter
I've found that it's relatively easy to import your own Token sprites just by uploading PNG files of the appropriate size into the Knights of the Chalice 2\Graphics\Tokens\PlayerCharacter folder. As for Animated sprites... I don't know if it's possible to add those in yourself. I think what we've got now are simply the old ones that were exported from KOTC1.


Re: KotC2 Animated Sprites for Player Units

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:57 am
by bluehinter
Obviously, this part of the game isn't finished yet, but I have confirmed that it is relatively easy to add your own player sprites and tokens to the game, and as far as I can tell it doesn't break anything.
As a test, I created a quick pallet-swapped green version of the playable Mantis character PNGs (I just added a 2 to the first part of the file names) and it worked just fine.
Depending on how good you are at pixel art, you could probably insert anything you want in this manner, as long as the PNG dimensions are the same and you use the same file naming conventions.

The same goes for tokens. I'm currently in the process of adding a bunch of images from cheesy sword and sorcery movies for mine. As long as you give them different file names, it doesn't seem to have any sort of negative impact on the game.