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Why aren't the circles of the tokens not red and green?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 5:03 pm
by LordSith

I'm obviously not the best player of this game, but in big fights all I see is:
- my tokens
- the tokens which are summons
- other tokens.

First category is obviously ally.
Third is obviously enemy but is sometimes hard to distinguish from second category because many tokens are copy/paste-d version with color swaps only.

But second category (and some of the third because of what i just said) are indistinguishable.

Why not surround the ally token in green and enemy in red?

make it optional if needed in the options... but that should help read the (big) fights.

Re: Why aren't the circles of the tokens not red and green?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 9:25 pm
by BlueSalamander
That should be in the game by now with the 'Highlight Friends and Foes' option, right? At least when using the token display (not high-res sprites).