Empires of Sorcery Kickstarter---bit of a fellow traveler.

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Empires of Sorcery Kickstarter---bit of a fellow traveler.

Postby getter77 » Sun Aug 12, 2012 4:52 pm


Aiming for $25K, very early in the funding campaign, not quite an "RPG" but....well...

What is Empires of Sorcery?

Empires of Sorcery is essentially a spiritual successor to the MicroProse game "Master of Magic." Many of you will be familiar with that game and already have a pretty good idea what we're talking about. Others less fortunate may never have heard of it, and comparisons to that game will mean nothing, so let's just talk about exactly what we're doing:

- A turn-based 4X strategy game: Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate (Davros would be proud). Pretty much a gamer's bread and butter.
-A unique yet familiar fantasy world: Elves, dwarves and other fantastic races working alongside (or against) humans in a campaign of diplomacy and/or domination. Fantastic creatures in the roles of enemy, slave, or even potential ally. Parallel planes of existence, separate but subtly interdependent.
- An intricate system of magic: Spells from several distinct but overlapping schools, acquired through research or conquest. Spell effects range from simple combat damage, to summoning monsters and binding them to your will, to literally changing the face of the planet.
-City management that matters (but not too much): Expand your empire by building or conquering towns. You can rise to supremacy by wiping out other races, or incorporate the strengths of conquered peoples into your growing empire. You don't have to master every aspect of city management to implement a successful strategy, but you can't completely neglect it, either.
-Tactical combat puts your strategy to the test: Home-grown military units fight for your cause alongside summoned creatures, all supported by your sorcerous abilities. Build your armies, choose where and when to fight, and may the best emperor win!

OK, great, but those are things almost any game can offer. What makes Empires of Sorcery unique?

-Powered by d20 OGL. A role-playing system with many years of success behind it, with roots in the familiar Dungeons & Dragons system. Almost endless variety, but balanced by a play-tested rule set which ensures there is no "master race" or "single best unit in the game."
-Undead as a playable race. This is what the world has been waiting for. Yes, a few games have already tried it, but we feel their implementations have been lacking something. We intend to go to the greatest lengths to make the Undead Experience fit seamlessly into the world we're creating and provide something unique, compelling, and most of all, FUN!
-Speaking of fun, that's what so many of these games are missing.We are trying to make a game we would want to play, and we hope you want to play it too. To that end, we will strive to provide enough complexity to challenge experienced 4X gamers while still keeping it simple enough for the casual gamer to jump in and enjoy.

We are currently developing Empires of Sorcery for PC, but hopefully we will be able to develop versions for Mac and other platforms as time goes on.

In other words, definitely strikes me as a thing of promise that will be interesting to see how it goes.
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Empires of Sorcery Kickstarter---bit of a fellow traveler.


Re: Empires of Sorcery Kickstarter---bit of a fellow traveler.

Postby BlueSalamander » Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:26 pm

Cool. I didn't ever get into Master of Magic. Graphics look like Civilization 1, I think that's a good idea.
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Re: Empires of Sorcery Kickstarter---bit of a fellow traveler.

Postby deathknight1728 » Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:22 pm


You rock dude! The more strategic roleplaying games out there, the better. The problem is that its so hard to find them out there.
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Re: Empires of Sorcery Kickstarter---bit of a fellow traveler.

Postby screeg » Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:32 pm

Needs more reward tiers. :roll:
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Re: Empires of Sorcery Kickstarter---bit of a fellow traveler.

Postby BlueSalamander » Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:38 am

Aha, 28 reward tiers might be a bit much.
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Re: Empires of Sorcery Kickstarter---bit of a fellow traveler.

Postby getter77 » Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:24 pm

They've now got an early alpha playable demo up for download on the Kickstarter page's most recent update.

As always, thanks to all our backers, followers and visitors, we really appreciate your involvement! Be sure to like, share, and generally tell everyone you know about what we've got going here!

OK, we've talked a lot about what we're doing, and planning to do, with Empires of Sorcery, and we've showed you a lot of it with our videos, but the best way to find out is to see it for yourself. And now, you can do exactly that.

Keep in mind this is an early alpha release, so basically no part of the game is in its final form. Most of the graphics are simple placeholders, and the main purpose of this Kickstarter is to raise funds for professional artwork. That having been said, most of the fundamental mechanics are in place, although rather simplified for now. Everything you see is going to be expanded and improved, but this should be enough to give you a rough idea of our vision for Empires of Sorcery. The game has a beginning, middle, and end, so you can start a new game with a brand new world which is unique every time, and play until you win! Playable races, city management, army management, empire management, magical power and spells, conquerable cities, dungeons with enemies (and rewards), multiple planes with distinct world maps, victory conditions, all these aspects are present in elementary form.

So download it, play it, share it, let us know what you think!
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Re: Empires of Sorcery Kickstarter---bit of a fellow traveler.

Postby getter77 » Sun Sep 16, 2012 1:47 am

Said Alpha now updated a fair bit:

Greetings once again! There's been a lot going on, but the major news is: already we've had a good amount of feedback from the downloadable Alpha. Found some bugs, fixed them, improved some functionality. The details are boring, the result is exciting: there is a new alpha download with the fixes and improvements included. The link is the same, but I'll repeat it here because it doesn't cost any extra.


Have a great weekend!
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