Player-Character Races
Here are two charts summarising the player races. The first chart details the ability-score ranges for each
race while the second chart details the speed, size, natural weapons and special abilities of each race.
When a character is created, the abilities are rolled within the possible range with each value in the range having an
equal probability. Then, if the total of ability points is below (or above) the set total for the race, points are
randomly added (or removed). The set total is 73 for half-giants, 75 for centaurs, drakes, half-salamanders and
mantis people, 79 for humans, 81 for dwarves, elves and kobolds, and 83 for halflings. For example, 79 points
can yield the array: 18 15 13 12 11 10.
All creatures have the Simple Weapons proficiency. Creatures that have a natural weapon other than Fists
also receive the Natural Weapons proficiency for free.
Summary of Abilities
March 2011-2021. Last Update 24 March 2021. All rights reserved.