Storm Warrior, the Thunder Spirit
Storm Warriors are often members of a wild tribe, or former tribe members. They are fearsome combatants
with a close connection to nature. This connection allows them to cast divine spells
focusing on animals, healing, fire, lightning, the wind and the earth. These spells are drawn
directly from the spell list of the Druid.
Storm Warriors often collaborate with druids and rangers. In terms of fighting ability, storm warriors are just as good as fighters. The increased focus on combat does mean that storm warriors lose access to some of the high-level spells of druids.
Hit Dice, Proficiencies, Alignment
D10 Hit Die. Light and medium armour proficiency, light shield proficiency. Starts with simple-weapons proficiency plus three selectable weapon-group proficiencies. The alignment must be true neutral, neutral good, neutral evil, lawful neutral or chaotic neutral.
Special Abilities
Spells: The leading ability for Storm Warrior spells is Wisdom. A Storm Warrior can activate Divine Spell Scrolls of any spell in the lists of the Paladin, Ranger, Druid and Cleric. Storm Warriors cannot cast spells while wearing metal armour. They can wear Leather Armour or Hide Armour. Spell picks at level 1: 3 + Wisdom modifier. Spell picks at all other levels: 2. A Storm Warrior can cast somatic spells while holding a light shield, but not a heavy shield or tower shield. Storm Warriors can also cast somatic spells while wielding a two-handed weapon or several weapons at the same time, because switching a weapon from one hand to the other is a free action. A character cannot have more than one summoned creature at a time. A Storm Warrior draws his spells from the Druid's list of spells and he can use his spells to counterspell.
Storm Warrior Feats
Wild Shape Mastery: Your spells Crocodile Bite, Scorpion Stinger and Constrictor Arms
are improved from Standard Action Casting Time to Move Action Casting Time. Your spells Greater
Crocodile Bite and Greater Scorpion Stinger are improved from Move Action Casting Time to Free
Action Casting Time.
Storm Weapon: When fighting with a Shock or Shocking Burst weapon, the electricity damage increases
by 1d6. This feat also works with Flaming, Flaming Burst, Frost and Icy Burst weapons, increasing the energy
damage by 1d6 points. Required: Storm Warrior Level 6.
Improved Storm Weapon: When fighting with a Shock or Shocking Burst weapon, the electricity damage
increases by 2d6. This feat also works with Flaming, Flaming Burst, Frost and Icy Burst weapons, increasing the energy
damage by 2d6 points. Required: Storm Warrior Level 12.
Improved Shocking Splash: With this feat, the electricity damage from your Shocking Splash and
Greater Shocking Splash ranged weapon enchantments only affects enemies in the area of effect.
Improved Swift Weapon: Your attacks with Swift weapons benefit from a
+1 bonus to the Attack Roll and Damage Roll.
Water Affinity: When fighting underwater or while swimming, the character gains a +2 circumstance bonus to
Attack Rolls and Armour Class. In addition, your spell Summon Crocodile or Summon Crocodile (Ranger) is improved
from Move Action to Free Action (even when not swimming or underwater).
Forest Affinity: When fighting in a forest or jungle, the character gains a +2 circumstance bonus to
Attack Rolls and Armour Class. In addition, your spell Summon Wolf or Summon Wolf (Ranger) is improved from Move Action to Free Action (even outside forests and jungles).
Fire Resistance: The character gains resistance 10 to fire damage.
Cold Resistance: The character gains resistance 10 to cold damage.
Electricity Resistance: The character gains resistance 10 to electricity damage.
Perfect Combat Casting: You do not trigger Attacks of Opportunity from nearby enemies when casting spells.
In addition, you gain another +4 bonus on all concentration checks. Concentration checks (1d20 + Caster level +
Constitution modifier) are needed whenever the character is casting a spell in difficult conditions.
Requires: Superior Concentration.
Spell Focus: The Difficulty Class of all your spells with a saving throw increases by one point.
Greater Spell Focus: The Difficulty Class of all your spells with a saving throw increases by another one point. Requires: Spell Focus.
March 2011-2022. Last Update 27 November 2024. All rights reserved.