Dungeons & Dragons Tactics for PSP

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Dungeons & Dragons Tactics for PSP

Postby getter77 » Mon Apr 20, 2009 2:01 am

Is it just my imagination, or is there an intirguing degree of commonality between this game and Knights of the Chalice at a glance? Anybody put time into this since it apparently came out back in Fall of 2007? I'm strongly considering grabbing it off Amazon even though I lack an actual PSP as a New copy can be had for $20.
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Dungeons & Dragons Tactics for PSP


Re: Dungeons & Dragons Tactics for PSP

Postby BlueSalamander » Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:38 pm

I don't have a PSP so I can't comment much on that game, but the one thing that turned me off in reviews was that you have to move each character separately even when there's no combat whatsoever. If you can get past the interface issues I think it's a good game.
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Re: Dungeons & Dragons Tactics for PSP

Postby getter77 » Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:00 pm

Well, I just took the plunge and ordered this and Dungeon Maker II for PSP...with plans to get Class of Heroes when it comes out and Dungeon Siege: Agony when I think to in the near future since it seems a bit weird price wise. Unsure when I'll actually get a PSP though...maybe when they finally get done with versions and get the price down/PSP emulation itself on the PC gets good.

So...one day I'll have fresh impressions for D&D Tactics to post!
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Re: Dungeons & Dragons Tactics for PSP

Postby getter77 » Sat Jan 16, 2010 3:00 am

FYI: For those perhaps curious, the game's price has shot to "ridiculous" upon a cursory Amazon glance. A few reasonably discounted Used offerings left, but otherwise New copies are running $70 on up. So...around now might be the time to grab it someplace should you happen to notice it in you wranglings about---particularly if actually below the original MSRP!

Nope, I still haven't gotten around to playing it yet---one of the many items on my todo list. :lol:
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Re: Dungeons & Dragons Tactics for PSP

Postby Tycn » Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:46 pm

I'm sorry I didn't see this thread sooner. D&D Tactics is a really bad game.

The core mechanics seem to have been ported quite well, but everything else is terrible. User feedback is extremely limited - for example there's no way of telling whether your move will take a move action or full action, unless you want to count the grid lines. Everything seems to lack polish and the 3D graphics look extremely sloppy. Commands are accessed through unnecessary and extremely tedious menus.

I can't really remember enough to make anything more than vague criticisms, but I do remember that every attempt at playing this game has resulted in me raging in under fifteen minutes.

I've also tried Class of Heroes. Despite spending a few hours on it I still have no idea about a lot of things and can't even finish some of the tutorial quests. Seemed like it could be pretty rewarding if you knew how to play, however.

Ironically the most fun I've had with my PSP recently is with POWDER plus GBA and SCUMM emulators. The games coming out just don't seem to appeal to me anymore.
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