Scripting: Variable math operations

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Scripting: Variable math operations

Postby Enrahim » Sun Jul 05, 2020 12:11 pm

Hi! I skimmed the script commands. It covers a lot of ground. However I did not notice anything to the effect of "Set(*variable*) to (*variable*) or (*0*) (*operation*) (*variable*) or (*0*)". This seem to me like such a basic scripting capability that I would like to either get it a bit more prominently advertised, or added? (Without knowing the internals of your scripting engine I believe it is likely to be quite straight forward to implement with operations pluss, minus, divide, multiply and preferably also modulo/remainder)
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Scripting: Variable math operations


Re: Scripting: Variable math operations

Postby BlueSalamander » Thu Mar 04, 2021 9:34 pm

Yup, you can do the math operations using the script command 'set variable'.

Set in variable ~ the value ~ or number value ~.

In the field 'number value' you can place any expression containing variables and traditional math operators (though I don't think modulo will work). Cheers :)
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