Chaos Chronicles

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Chaos Chronicles

Postby getter77 » Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:24 pm

So, this is aiming to exist next year(dev has been ongoing for awhile now and is pretty well at Alpha) and RPG Codex just put up a nice interview, with Knights of the Chalice being one of their key weights to measure things against right down to using a personalized 3.5'ish OGL. 8-)

Entire interview is worth reading, no sense in posting highlights this time.

Over 200 years ago the flourishing kingdoms of elves, dwarves and mankind were consumed by chaos. Undead hordes lead by archwizards of the dark arts overran the land. Only few were able to escape. The survivors build their new homes on small, secluded islands off shore. A few years ago the Order[/quote] of the Holy Flame sent its knights to lead an expedition to the mainland. Even though the old cities lie in ruins and orcs, goblins and other creatures of evil roam the land there seems to be hope for a return to the land of their ancestors.

Chaos Chronicles combines the traditional turn-based roleplaying games with a state-of-the-art graphic engine and a dense atmosphere.

We want to revive the classical western party-based fantasy RPGs of the eighties. Games like Phantasie, Pool of Radiance, Ultima, Wizardry, Bard’s Tale were part of our childhood and now it’s time to create a new game offering the gaming experience that those excellent games already delivered back in those good ol’ days!

-Back to the roots! Chaos Chronicles uses a turn-based fighting system (hexgrid!) that will put a smile on the face of every fan of traditional RPGs
-Shoulder to shoulder! Up to five players can join forces to play through the complete campaign
-Lush graphics meet old-school feeling! Chaos Chronicles combines a lavish look with the dense atmosphere of the Dungeon Crawlers of old.
-Wanted: A new hero! A comprehensive character editor ensures that every player can build his very own hero.
-Travelling becomes retro-epic: A world map allows travelling like in good old times, as role playing games were still role playing games.

All in all, I'd say this looks to be quite promising indeed.
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Chaos Chronicles


Re: Chaos Chronicles

Postby Tiavals » Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:41 pm

Looks extremely superb. Can't wait for it. :)
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Re: Chaos Chronicles

Postby BlueSalamander » Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:59 am

Thanks for the info, getter77. I liked that Mr. Ohlmann mentioned KotC.
Apparently their previous working title for the game was Myth of Glory:

Beautiful graphics, and it's great that they are using the OGL 3.5.

That might be appropriate for such a big team, but I can't help thinking that they're making the most difficult choices for game development.
A hex grid is more complicated than a square grid. 3D characters and 3D environments are more complicated and costly than 2D backdrops and sprites. And does it really matter that the 3d model changes when you swap your character's boots? Adding cooperative multiplayer is also more work than pure single player.
Anyway, I'm probably guilty of the same misplaced ambition.
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Re: Chaos Chronicles

Postby getter77 » Sun Sep 09, 2012 4:26 pm

I really think it would be a good idea for you to contact the team if only to to say hello and perhaps shoot the breeze a bit and see what comes of it----as it isn't like they can have a meeting of the minds readily with Troika nowadays.

Hex is sort of making a comeback of late, at least in the 3D space commercially in niches beyond the Wargaming super-niche be it tabletop'ish CCG hybrids, Fray for tactical doings semi-inspired by Frozen Synapse or other things. The visual thing is a Diablo/moneysink MMO holdover of paper doll dress-up---many want it and an incredibly few understand how much extra work for what is functionally window dressing UNLESS it is based on visual cues such that when facing an enemy it directly equates to what you will deal with in combat as they are bringing it to beat against you as opposed to the usual loot pinata...which would also necessitate much less variety and more dramatic differences else nobody would be able to parse it with experience.
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Re: Chaos Chronicles

Postby Waterd103 » Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:52 pm

And I thought that I had to wait for KOTC2 to have an RPG I want to play, I'm really excited about this game. Also they claim they want to recover that feeling of Danger that RPG have missed. I wonder if that is true because that's what I really want, a party rpg with a story that makes you feel in danger like a rougelike like adom.
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Re: Chaos Chronicles

Postby Marinx » Fri Sep 14, 2012 3:54 pm

Wow. This is a great news. Can't wait to play it. Getter77 thanx for the info.
Anyone knows release date?
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Re: Chaos Chronicles

Postby getter77 » Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:32 pm

Sometime next year is the projected release date.
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Re: Chaos Chronicles

Postby deathknight1728 » Sat Sep 15, 2012 1:59 am


You do realize that this might be the 7th Awesome game you recommended that I found out about through you. Pretty soon you should start charging for this stuff :)

But seriously Runescape was an awesome find.
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Re: Chaos Chronicles

Postby getter77 » Sat Sep 15, 2012 2:33 am

Thanks deathknight----I just want people to be able to enjoy themselves with quality projects. :)
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Re: Chaos Chronicles

Postby BlueSalamander » Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:13 pm

getter77 wrote:I really think it would be a good idea for you to contact the team if only to to say hello and perhaps shoot the breeze a bit and see what comes of it----as it isn't like they can have a meeting of the minds readily with Troika nowadays.
I've exchanged an email with Peter Ohlmann. He said KotC was the reason they decided to use the OGL 3.5. :)

Waterd103 wrote:And I thought that I had to wait for KOTC2 to have an RPG I want to play, I'm really excited about this game. Also they claim they want to recover that feeling of Danger that RPG have missed. I wonder if that is true because that's what I really want, a party rpg with a story that makes you feel in danger like a rougelike like adom.

You may well be happy with this game: see from
The developers have confirmed there will be two games modes: hardcore and insanely hardcore. Coreplay is going for a niche audience but wants this audience to be challenged to the point of breaking. In harcore mode, if one of your party members is lethaly wounded you can carry him to the nearest town to heal. In case he dies, there is still a chance he can be revived by taking his ashes to the nearest town. By investing gold and having a bit of luck the character can be resurrected. In what the developers called “insanely hardcore” you will not be able to resurrect squad members. But it goes further than that, the developer plan to only allow save point in towns. So no saving during dungeon, which will greatly increase the challenge to possible extreme levels.
'Say there is a chunk of meat. Pirates will have a banquet and eat it! But heroes will share it with other people. I want all the meat!!' - Luffy in One Piece
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