Inventory UI suggestions

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Inventory UI suggestions

Postby Shamino » Sun Jul 12, 2020 2:26 am

I really like the Party Items interface. So much better than having to dig through each character's backpack. Very clever and original!
These are just a couple of suggestions for ease of play convenience.

Please make the Party Members area large enough to show all characters without scroll.

Please make the Party Items Area larger, preferably wider so it doesn't scroll so much.

Please add the current owner's name to the hover text when mousing over items in the Party Items area,so I know who currently has it.

Please allow us to "lock" items to a character, so that item does not show up in Party Items list. Example. I am trying to divide out 6 healing potions among my characters. When I go to character 3 to grab a potion from Party items.I don't want to be able to accidentally take character 2's potion. So, I would like to be able to right click on the potion while in character 2's backpack UI and click a "Share" checkbox to be false. That marks the item as belonging to that character, and so it should not appear in Party Items, so no other character can take it from character 2. You could then later right click the item in character 2's backpack and toggle the checkbox back to "Share". Items default to "Share" as they do now. If you manually drag an unshared item to a different character, it would still make the transfer but leave the item's "Share" status unchanged, so marked as "Share" false for this example. The Share flag only applies to whether or not the item appears in Party Items.

Please put some icons on the character statistics such as HP and AC especially so I can locate them more easily on the character sheet. Maybe even just a different background and foreground color scheme or font size for those cells so they stand out more. Sections that should look very different - HP, AP, Saves, Ability Scores.

Please add a "Use" button to the right click Item Details Dialog, so I can use an item by just right clicking on it, and clicking "Use". Sometimes this just feels more natural.

Thanks for making the Inventory and Character Sheet change the focused character using the Arrow keys! This helps a lot when I am comparing characters. Just one thing though. Can you make the active character sheet tab panel stay the same when moving to a different character? I frequently want to compare spells available for all characters at once, or examine all characters' Effect tab, so I am wanting to click the tab of interest, such as Effect or Divine, and then just use arrow keys to scan all my characters quickly on that same tab. If a character doesn't have the tab, you can show an adjacent tab instead or just a message that they don't have Divine Spells spells, for instance. Currently each character has their own active tab independently,which I don't find as useful.

Can you make the number keys correspond to the characters in as many User Interfaces as possible? So if I'm on the Character Sheet, I could press 4 key to look at character 4. If I'm casting a heal spell, I could press 4 to target character 4.

A spell shortcut system is mentioned as an achieved Stretch Goal, so that covers my only other major suggestion right now. Just wondering what they will be like? I would love to have my last ten or so spells cast appear on a shortcut toolbar as icons during combat and out of combat too, similar to KOTC 1, defaulting to the last spell I cast. That would really help when casting a bunch of curing spells in a row. Would also like to be able to see ALL my spells of ALL levels at once, as in KOTC 1. Gets tedious clicking the level tab hunting down the spell I want. Maybe just add one button to the spell level buttons that says "All" and shows all spells.

Please add spell level and type to scrolls so it's easier to see who can use the scroll and when it can be scribed. I LOVE the "Known" message that appears on the scrolls,and I see some go red when in the backpack,so maybe just adding that text and coloring in the Party Items view would be perfect.

It would be great if saved games could be given a display name for future reference, such as "At the Crocodile Pond"
Manticore (CR 5)
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Inventory UI suggestions


Re: Inventory UI suggestions

Postby Shamino » Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:39 am

Found a bag! It is AWESOME !!! Thanks for that :)
Just some ease of use suggestions here.

Please show current and max HP in the Inventory screen by the character names, so I can see who is injured in this dialog.

Please add split option to right click Item Details Dialog on stackable items.
Please also split a stack of items (potions, scrolls, herbs, arrows, etc) when you SHIFT click it.

I assume items in bags are still valid in dialog options. If not please allow.

Please keep bag open until I click it to close it

Would be nice to be able to drag and drop an item from Party Items directly into bag or equipment slot, although I like the single click to move to backpack

click equipped item to move to bag if open, else to backpack; if no room, give to another character (party items)

click object in backpack or bag that can be equipped to equip it and swap with any item already equipped in that slot. Or for rings, rotate rings to next slot rather than swap - move clicked ring X to ring slot A, move previous item in ring slot a to ring slot b,move previous ring slot b item to wherever ring X was (backpack or bag). Or simply SHIFT + click ring to equip to off hand.

ALT + click on item in bag or backpack or equipment slot to toggle the "Shared" flag. So I can hold down ALT and click on items to quickly toggle which I want to keep and which I want to be shared in party items panel. The Shared Flag is described in another of my posts, but basically, if Shared flag is false, item does not appear in party items. That way, other characters cannot accidentally grab the item away from the character I want to have it. Also means fewer items in party items area. Should also see and toggle Shared flag in the right click Item Details Dialog, ideally. An icon should show in the Inventory page for items that are NOT shared. Maybe a little lock icon. No icon is needed when items Shared flag is true (which is default).

click item in equipment slot, bag or backpack while holding a character number (1-9, and 0 for character 10) to give the item clicked to that character. So, I could quickly hand out items to other characters by just holding down different number keys and clicking on items. When doing this, please only transfer 1 instance of the item. That way, if I have 7 potions in my character 1 backpack slot, I can hold down 2 andclick the potion stack to give character 2 just 1 potion, then I just hold down 3 and click again to give character 3 a potion, and so on.

When dragging an item and dropping on another character's name:
By default, give entire stack as currently works
if i am holding SHIFT, please split the stack evenly
If I am holding CTRL, please give just 1 of the item
If I am holding ALT, please distribute item stack evenly among all characters
In this context, only one modifier key makes sense, so I guess ALT first, then CTRL, then SHIFT for order of evaluation
This would really help when trying to distribute items to multiple characters

click object in backpack that cannot be equipped to put in bag if open, else move to another character (party items)

click object in bag to equip if possible, else move to backpack if room, else give to another character (party items)

double click usable item (potion, scroll, weapon, wand, etc) in backpack or bag or equipment slot, use the item

click with SHIFT held on equipable weapon or ring to place in off hand weapon slot (dual wield) or off hand ring slot.
So click weapon swaps with main hand weapon slot, SHIFT click swaps with off hand weapon/shield.
Click on shield always equips to off hand.

For Mantis, hold CTRL as well to specify lower arm set, So, simple click and SHIFT click are same as for normal single arm set xreature. CTRL click goes to lower main hand, CTRL + SHIFT click goes to lower off hand. CTRL click shield goes to lower off hand

Mantis is so cool! The multiple arm sets are AWESOME!
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Re: Inventory UI suggestions

Postby BlueSalamander » Thu Mar 04, 2021 9:07 pm

Thank you for all the suggestions Shamino! :)

Please add a "Use" button to the right click Item Details Dialog, so I can use an item by just right clicking on it, and clicking "Use". Sometimes this just feels more natural.
I'll see if I can do something like that.

I am wanting to click the tab of interest, such as Effect or Divine, and then just use arrow keys to scan all my characters quickly on that same tab. If a character doesn't have the tab, you can show an adjacent tab instead or just a message that they don't have Divine Spells spells
OK, right now it tries to stay on the same tab, but has to switch when the tab doesn't exist for a particular character. I might do the following: if you press left control + arrow key, the game will switch to the next character who also has the same tab (e.g. Divine spells). So you can easily review all characters who can cast divine spells (and skip all characters who can't). Does that sound good?

Can you make the number keys correspond to the characters in as many User Interfaces as possible? So if I'm on the Character Sheet, I could press 4 key to look at character 4. If I'm casting a heal spell, I could press 4 to target character 4.
I will see if it can be done.

A spell shortcut system is mentioned as an achieved Stretch Goal, so that covers my only other major suggestion right now. Just wondering what they will be like? I would love to have my last ten or so spells cast appear on a shortcut toolbar as icons during combat and out of combat too, similar to KOTC 1, defaulting to the last spell I cast. That would really help when casting a bunch of curing spells in a row.
I'm thinking to have a line of spell icons appear just above the combat log. You'll have the option to fill up the line automatically with the spells that were cast last, or manually by picking certain spells so that they'll appear in the shortcut bar. Maybe the spells that you selected manually stay on the bar until you remove them (i.e. they won't get replaced by the latest casts). It will be a great improvement I think.

Would also like to be able to see ALL my spells of ALL levels at once, as in KOTC 1. Gets tedious clicking the level tab hunting down the spell I want. Maybe just add one button to the spell level buttons that says "All" and shows all spells.
It's a very cool idea. It would be best to open up a large box displaying all of your spell icons. And then if you click one, automatically it gets selected and the correct spell book page gets displayed. It might get implemented.

Please show current and max HP in the Inventory screen by the character names, so I can see who is injured in this dialog.
The problem is that I probably won't have enough space for that.

Please add split option to right click Item Details Dialog on stackable items.
Thanks, might get implemented.

Please also split a stack of items (potions, scrolls, herbs, arrows, etc) when you SHIFT click it.
Might get implemented, too.

(mouse over) item in equipment slot, bag or backpack and press a character number (1-9, and 0 for character 10) to give the item clicked to that character. So, I could quickly hand out items to other characters by just holding down different number keys and clicking on items.
Might get implemented.

If I am holding ALT, please distribute item stack evenly among all characters
Interesting idea, thank you. Might get implemented. Maybe mouse over the item and push the zero key for this. So zero = all party members, and the numbers are for each character.

click object in backpack that cannot be equipped to put in bag if open, else move to another character (party items)
I could see this: mouse over the item and push the space bar to send the item to the open bag (or if it's an equipped item, push space to unequip and send the item to the backpack).

click with SHIFT held on equipable weapon or ring to place in off hand weapon slot (dual wield) or off hand ring slot.
I could see this: mouse over a weapon or ring and press [ to equip in main hand (the slot displayed on left side), or ] to equip in off hand (the slot displayed on right side).

A tall order to do each one of these things on top of everything else, but we'll see. Thank you again! :)
'Say there is a chunk of meat. Pirates will have a banquet and eat it! But heroes will share it with other people. I want all the meat!!' - Luffy in One Piece
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